Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Why is it that hard???

What makes it SO hard for men (my husband in particular) to clean up after themselves or god forbid even after their own children? Why does he never put a trash bag back in the trash can after emptying it? Or replace the toilet paper roll? He knows where it goes, maybe he doesn't know how the little springs go in and you pull the old roll off to put the new roll on? He will leave the new roll on top of the old roll, like it's a toilet paper roll rest. If he chooses to do laundry he does just his laundry, no one else's.

I know I'm in a funk right now. I NEED fall to come, I need to know that the kids will be at school, that I will have 2 hours a day that during which I pray that Jack will nap so I can actually get stuff done in peace in quiet.

I love fall, it is hands down my favorite season. I love the smells of fall, the crisp air, the colors of the leaves on the trees, then on the ground, Jeans and T-shirt weather, trips to the orchard, kids back in school. ROUTINE, yep, I'm the freak who loves the routine of fall, I know my kids will be in bed at 8pm, I know what shows are on when, I know that I will stay up to watch the weather on the 11pm news and then go to sleep myself. I know I will spend weekends in the yard hunkering it down for winter. I know I will spend other weekends at the orchards picking apples, picking pumpkins, and then back home to make apple pies.

When I tell people fall is my favorite season they laugh as if I jest, Why would Fall, which is essentially the death of everything, be your favorite season? I answer simply, Fall is the most beautiful. No mud from Spring rains, no excessive heat that we get in the summer, no snow yet which we of course are always piled with to soon. Fall colors are by far the most beautiful in my opinion, spring colors are too bright by the time they come out, almost fake, taunting, HAHAHA I will give you these pretty colors but you have to work to keep them during the hot miserable summer. Summer heat is cruel almost, I can handle being cold because I can always add more clothes, or add a blanket but in summer you can only be so naked and your still burning up. Winter here is cruel too, we get so much snow from Lake Erie, and we of course have the lake effects breeze. Anyone who lives near a Great Lake can attest to that statement.

Did you see my bad story teller post? Then you will understand, my whole point is I am patiently (or not so patiently) awaiting fall.


Blogger Amy said...

Fall is my favorite time of year also, for all the reasons you mentioned. I was born in October and got married in October. If I wanted to suffer thru the summer being pregnant I would try to have a baby in October, but that won't happen! LOL!

11:32 AM, August 03, 2005  
Blogger Kellee said...

Right there with you, Jeni. Now I know why parents dread summer vacation. Two & 1/2 more weeks to go for me. Dear Lord, help me thru it because these kids are driving me crazy. I'll pray that for you if you'll pray it for me. Hang in there...we'll make it!


12:42 PM, August 03, 2005  
Blogger Kristen Gill, Marketing Manager said...

Fall's my favorite too. AND, I CANNOT wait for this God awful heat to stop! Thanks for sharing your writing with us. Oh, and now I want apple pie...thank you for that too.

7:11 PM, August 03, 2005  
Blogger Elisa said...

I'm glad you started one.

I like Fall, too. But i can't decide if i like it best. . . indecisive nature of mine.

11:39 AM, August 04, 2005  

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