Thursday, August 04, 2005

I love parades, they make me feel so... umm... Small town America, like everyone CAN get together to celebrate and have a good time. Nothing like showing some hometown spirit. Of course, this is not my hometown but is is my kids hometown. Hannah is in the Summerfest parade tomorrow, she is marching with her cheer group and throwing candy to all of the kids on her way, how excited is she??? LOL

How is it that I can take my kids out all day to go swimming and they are soooo exhausted from it, yet they don't sleep? Sorry, as you can tell I was just interuppted again, thanks Meg!

So, I actually have a funny story from today! A little background : My dryer was broken, and as you can imagine in my house that means 10 loads of laundry in no time, I had to call the repair people to come out and fix it (TG for home warranty's) anyways the lady called me this am and said that she didn't have an exact time they would be here but she would call to let me know before they just showed up at my door. I thought that was nice, don't want anyone barging in on me in the shower right?? (are you seeing where this is going?) Ok so, my friend was over this morning, after she left I got Jack down for a nap and went to shower. Next thing I know I am shaving in a rather delicate area and I hear the bathroom door fly open, "mommmmm, mommmm the dryer guy is here, mommmmmm!" I took the flippin phone to the bathroom with me just in case the chick called me WTH??? So I had to get dried off and dressed (half shaved mind you) to run to the door before "the dryer guy" took off. UUGHHH I swear the guy was a perv too, it's like he knew I was half shaven too. He was creepy, fortunately he was fast too, good riddance dryer guy. So, now here I sit blogging when I should be doing my mountains of laundry to prepare for my trip. Oh, and I guess I should hop back into the shower so I can finish up that delicate area.. ;)

Dang kids.... Another interupption... Hannah now....

Ok so, where was I? Oh yeah... Psycho dryer guy... Half shaven....laundry...trip..... yep, that about wraps it up. I need to go put a load in and head to bed!


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