Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Chocolate Milk or Grape juice?

Yep, that's the title. Megan asked for something to drink this morning, I went to the fridge, opened it up assessed the contents and asked "Would you like Chocolate Milk or Grape juice?" Well, let me tell you, I must have spoken in that alien mom language I seem to posses. You know the language, the one that you tell your child (ren) to quiet down, stop jumping, brush their teeth, go to bed in? That foreign language you had no idea you spoke in? Where they look at you as if you have 2 heads and they understood nothing of which you said? Precious Megan stood in front of me looking into the fridge herself, as if I never said a word, assessing the situation herself. "Can I have Coke?" "No Meg, Chocolate Milk or Grape juice, that's it." "Ohhhhh, what's THIS?!" "Meg, that is cheese, come on, I gave you a choice, we have been standing here for 5 min already please pick." "Ok, I pick chocolate." I then proceed to get the milk out to make chocolate milk and she screams as if I'm across a football field from her "NOOOOOOOOOO, I JUST want chocolate, no milk!" "Sorry kiddo, you can not have just chocolate, the milk must go in, that's the way it works."

Now, as you can imagine, I go through this same conversation at least 5 times a day. I do understand that for her just shy of 4 years old self it is a hard concept to grasp that you can't have everything you ask for, it's just not fair. Megan has got to be the sweetest most compassionate of my children, she means very well, tries so hard to make everything fair for everyone and always has a kind word for everyone. She is extremely outgoing and energetic, If I could bottle her enthusiasm for life and what it has to offer Id be one heck of a rich mommy. She is also my Megamonster. She has always been very.... Busy, for lack of a better term. She gets into everything, nothing is safe in her path. She has to know how and why things work, and hey, if that means that she has to tear it apart to find out she's game! I live most days with her knowing that I am blessed but I go to bed every night with the same question in my head, Do I hug her or strangle her? She pushes me to my limits, makes me out of my mind with fury and in the next second gives me that award winning smile and a huge kiss, she says "I love you momma" and it all melts away. That is until I go into a room she formerly occupied and there is a lotion bottle shoved down the toilet, and make up all over the floor, deodorant sprayed on the mirror, shaving cream piled in the sink and at least a dozen bandaid wrappers littering the floor. I have decided with Megan in my life things will never be dull, and if I don't laugh I'd have to cry. Since laughter is good for the soul I will continue to laugh, just not when she can hear me!


Blogger Elisa said...

Megan sounds like a sweetie. I liked when she asked for chocolate. Sometimes i just want chocolate too but i'd be wired for sound if i drank it straight from the hershey syrup bottle.

11:03 AM, September 01, 2005  
Blogger Kylee said...

I hope my Meghan is not like that! I love the nickname Megamonster! Too cute!

7:07 PM, September 05, 2005  

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