Sunday, November 20, 2005

And so it begins... Again

Well, I thought I had lost the black cloud that was hanging over my head last winter but it seems to have found my family once again. Maybe it has something to do with November? Novemeber last year started a season of hospitalizations for my son. We started with Hannah bringing us all home head lice from school and finally ended up the season of the black cloud 5 hospital inpatient visits, 3 surgeries, and many many ER and Dr. visits later in June.

Yesterday while I was at Hannah's best friends play I got a call from my husband. He was in a complete panic and told me that Jack got his fingers slammed in a door and he had at least 2 broken fingers and the rest were, in his words, "mangled". I have never gotten from that end of town to my end of tiown so fast in my life, I got to the ER just as they called Jack's name to come in. I took him from Mike and we went into the triage room. As soon as the nurse saw his finger (TG it was just one and the blood had my husband confused) she took us right into a room calling the Dr to follow as we passed the nurses station. The Dr. looked at Jacks mangled finger and immediately ordered morphine for him. This is when I got the first real look beyond the blood of what was wrong. My poor baby boy's finger is hanging by a 16th of an inch of skin just below the first knuckle on his middle finger, right hand. The dr waited until the morphine kicked in and then numbed the area and started stiching, he only did about 6 stitches to hold it from "flopping" as he put it, until I see the surgeon tomorrow. They sent us on our way home with codine and a strong antibiotic to keep a staph infection away hopefully. Thankfully he has been on an antiobiotic for a week already for an ear infection so we have a head start on the antibiotics. I'm so pissed and feeling incredibly guilty for not insisting that they keep him there and have the surgeon see him in the hospital sooner then me calling tomorrow.

If you are reading any prayers or good thoughts would be nice, I'd appreciate it. We still don't know weather or not they can save the finger or not.

signing out~


Blogger Cathy said...

Jeni, again, I'm so so sorry! Please email me and let me know how he is when you get a chance.

10:16 PM, November 20, 2005  
Blogger Terri said...

Prayers and hugs for you and Jack Jack! Let me know if I can do anything for you.

8:04 AM, November 21, 2005  
Blogger Jeff Stewart said...


Thanks for the good words. I like your stuff, too. Nice family. -Jeff Stewart.

3:57 PM, December 04, 2005  

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