Thursday, October 20, 2005

Disney Family

Yep, thats us, we are the family that loves Disney World! To bad we don't alays live the most ideal life but it works for us. Who else hates when people make "comments" on how they do things differently and you KNOW they are just telling you how their way is better than YOUR way.

I had a friend come over and all I heard was how she would NEVER have dishes in the sink, they are immediately rinsed and put in the dishwasher. She NEVER has more than one load of laundry nest to the washer waiting to be done. She would NEVER let her lawn get that long before mowing it, it would drive HER crazy. Well, my simple reply was " Thats so sad, tell me then, when do you have time to play with your kids"?

We all have certain standards and ideals I guess but I think a lot of us have forgotten in our busy lives to actually take time to actually PLAY with our children, read to them, take them for icecream as a surprise. Enjoy the time that they are little, we have our whole lives to have a clean house, no laundry to do, or to mow the lawn, our children are only little for so long. I don't want to look back and say I wish I would have taken that Disney trip when it was still magical for the kids, I wish I would have played that board game on those rainy days with my kids because now I'm old and lonely because my kids are to busy for me. I want to have that relationship with my kids, I want to be the one they always come to with their accomplishments or their failures. With their happy news or their heartbreaks. And I need to start by PLAYING with them now, build that comraderie, that trust, build that bridge of unbreakable communication.

I hope that we all take some time out to be silly and goofy with the kids. To many adults are so serious and strict all of the time, kids need to know we are people too, with emotions and feelings and need to see all the sides of us. How are we protecting them by hiding our own emotions? That just teaches them that those things are not meant to be shared, they are embarrassing and not valid. I want my girls and my boy to grow up strong and to know that every emotion and feeling is valid if you are feeling it at the time. They need to know how to deal with them and also learn empathy tards others emotions and feelings. I think I have a great start here, I hope to keep it going.

Signing out ~