Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Go away black cloud, JUST GO AWAY!

I'll start with the oldest child and work my way down.

Hannah is a sensitive kid, so to get a belly ache when she is nervous or something is wrong is normal for her. However something was different this time, she was"off". So we went to the Dr. Hannah was severely impacted and we had to do 2 enemas and we have to give her an adult dose of laxative and a teaspoon of benefiber a day at least for the next 2 weeks, then we will re-evaluate.

Her teacher is out for 8-10 weeks after being diagnosed with ovairian cancer and I know that's had on her too.

Megan has had an ongoing speech problem, we have been trying to get her placed in a program since December. I finally have another appt for ANOTHER evaluation set for Feb. 24th at 10 am. This evaluation will cover her SI issues too (ie: socks, tags, etc.).

Jack has been diagnosed with sleep apnea and a partial nasal atresia. We go to the ENT for testing and to set a surgery date for tonsil/adenoid removal at the very least on Feb. 13th.

Hannah left her adult dose of the laxative out and Jack drank 3 ozs before I caught him with it. (today) So I was on with the peds office and poison control for over 40 minutes and have to watch and wait for major runs and possible dehydration, of the JOY.

Hannah is completely beating herself up over this which sucks on so many levels.

I crashed my car yesterday, totally smashed the drivers side front quarter panel on a pole in a parking lot none the less, and now can't even open my drivers side door, I have no money to fix it right now either, so it waits.

Did I mention all of this stuff has been happening with phone calls and pleas and whatever else you can think of, for the last month (or almost 3 as in the case with Meg) ?

Not to mention the death of my cousin and various other illnesses in this house. I just need the damn black cloud to MOVE ON ALREADY DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Kellee said...

Wow, Jeni! Sending you thoughts of rainbows & sunshine! Whatever you do, DON'T ask, "What else?"

The clouds WILL pass, I promise you that. It's coming from someone who knows from personal experience!

6:50 PM, February 07, 2006  
Blogger Linda said...

I'm thinking of you Jeni!!! Gosh, sounds very overwhelming. This too shall pass

5:39 AM, February 08, 2006  
Blogger Terri said...

I'm just a phone call away if you need to vent. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help long distance.


6:19 AM, February 08, 2006  
Blogger Elisa said...

Dang it, Jeni! that sucks. I'm soooo sorry to hear the black cloud is over you.

I will take a deep breath and exhale and see if i can push it away and on to someone mean and evil who deserves it more. Not a nice mommy like you.

7:13 PM, February 08, 2006  

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