Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Blues

My cousin died the day before my birthday. He was 31 and there are some fishy circumstances but we won't know for certain why he died until the autopsy comes back, hopefully by next week.

I want to tell you all a little bit about my cousin Aaron to honor his memory. Aaron was born on Jan. 9th, 1975. His parents divorced before he was 2 and his dad married my aunt Kathy. His natural mother never really had much to do with him but my aunt Kathy loved him, clothed him, fed him all as if he were her own child. Aaron is just shy of a year younger than I am and we grew up more like siblings, me, Aaron, his sisters Heather, Cynthia and Andrea. My mom and Aunt Kathy are very close and since my mom didn't drive we did everything, and I mean everything together. Once I was able to drive Aaron and I were inseparable, I also dated his best friend for almost 2 years. Aaron and I had a falling out when I was almost 19 because he started dating this girl. He had very low self esteem and was delighted that she was interested in him because she was beautiful... On the outside. On the inside she was a mean, hateful, spiteful, rude drug addict who wanted to use him for his money. His sisters and I all tried to convince him of this but he wouldn't listen, so our long friendship ended.

About 5 years ago Aaron dumped the chick and saw the light. He stopped using drugs, cleaned up his act and became extremely responsible. He even took custody of his oldest sisters son (long story about Heather). He was lucky to have made it through all of the "bad years" unscathed. We became friendly to each other again but never went back to the relationship we once had, the trust was gone, I think. Aaron was a person that never held a grudge, he always had a smile or a word of encouragement for you. He was a practical joker, he was a giver. He loved animals and took in many strays both human and otherwise. He will be sorely missed. The morning Aaron died I awoke at 4:48am. And woke my husband up, I had a very vivid dream about Aaron which was odd, I hadn't seen him since November. He died at approximately 4:45 am. I truly believe he was saying goodbye to me.

So, to Aaron,

I love you, I will miss you forever, I will never forget who you were and what you stood for and I pray that my son has the same values and morals as you did as you grew up. You were an amazing friend and an awesome cousin and you will be missed always...



Blogger Elisa said...


I'm sooo sorry to hear about your cousin passing. I'm the same age as he was - i'll be 31 in March. Can't imagine dying just yet.

So sad.

You must be very intuitive to have felt him saying goodbye to you.

I'm glad you've updated your blog. I missed reading.

Can we see some pictures of Jack, Meg & Hannah, please?

2:44 PM, February 02, 2006  
Blogger Shekky said...

You may have lost a cousin but you gained an angel. (((HUGS)))

2:59 PM, February 02, 2006  
Blogger Linda said...

I'm sorry for you loss. I know how hard it is to lose someone close to you. I'll be think of you.

2:59 PM, February 02, 2006  
Blogger Terri said...

(((Jeni))) Luv ya sweety

8:27 AM, February 03, 2006  
Blogger Kellee said...

I'm so sorry about your cousin, Jeni. What a wonderful post though. As long as we keep remembering those who go before us, they are never truly gone.

6:52 PM, February 07, 2006  

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