Saturday, April 08, 2006

So much to do, so little time.... And money

This has been one heck of a rollercoaster year so far! Jack having surgery, everyone getting the stomach bug the same week as surgery. Chicken Pox this last week...

I've decided to do Hannah and Jack's birthday parties with my family on Easter at my grandma's house. I'll supply the ham, and plates, silverware and napkins, everyone else brings a dish to pass and they are covered! Oh, I suppose I should bring some birthday cakes too huh? LOL!

The weekend after Easter Hannah has a huge competition in Sandusky. I have NO idea how we will afford this, I was thinking of getting a room overnight for Saturday night. It may be cheaper than driving the hour and a half back and forth with the price of gas lately. I guess it all depends on the times she competes.

Weekend after that you ask? Hannah's actual birthday. I have made NO plans for this at all yet. I think a few friends over for a sleepover and renting some tweeny bop dvd's for them and munchies. They can all sleep in the family room downstairs. UGGHHH even the prospect of 4 eight year olds giggling all night gives me the shudders EEK!

The next weekend? Hannah has first communion. We still haven't shopped for a dress yet, we will do that when we go up for Easter. Both she and my Grandma are very excited to go shopping for the dress.

And last, the weekend after First communion? Mothers day and a communion party in Michigan for Hannah. TG Meg will be done with school at the end of May and Hannah the first week of June! It's coming sooo fast this year. I can't believe Meg is going to kindergarten in the fall and Hannah to 3rd grade. I swear the time just flies.

This past weekend was very lazy considering we have so much coming up. It was also cold and wet outside so not a whole lot to do. It's supposed to be nice this week though! I think I'll meet up with a friend for the zoo tomorrow since it is supposed to be 70 degrees here and sunny! Hannah will be angry she missed out I think but at least I'll get Jack and Meg out of the house for a while, they definitely need it. Jack was a wild man last week when we had a few nice days and I took him out to play! He was sooo cute on his little 4-wheeler and tricycle. He has found the joy in bubbles and sidewalk chalk again which was cute.

So, not much going on here as you all can see, sorry to bore you all with the mundane details of my life. It is nice to have somewhere to write it all down before I explode though!

~ Jeni


Blogger Terri said...

Enjoy the zoo! I can't wait to take Stef to the Philly Zoo sometime soon.

Luv ya,

7:02 AM, April 10, 2006  
Blogger Elisa said...

Damn, girl! You ARE busy! No wonder you haven't updated in forever.

I don't even know when Mother's Day falls this year. All I can think about is getting this baby out of me! LOL

By the way, I think four 8 year olds giggling sounds cute as can be! I remember being one of those slumber party kids - oh, what fun! We used to make Chef Boyardee pizzas and prank calls! That was before the days of Caller ID of course. Oh, the good ol' days. . .

5:54 PM, April 11, 2006  
Blogger Susan said...

I didn't even know you had a blog girl ! So do you go to Michigan often ? I had thought of going to Detroit Zoo this summer sometime, Linda has said she might consider that also, so maybe we'll have to put our heads together and think something up, just a thought :)

7:05 AM, April 13, 2006  

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